Cultivating a Peaceful Heart with Reiki

Kathleen L. Johnson
8 min readNov 30, 2022

(Author’s Note: The following article was created specifically for the recent 2022 Reiki Rays Healing Summit. As often happens, Reiki was my co-author in this endeavor, and guided me to share it here.)

The concept of Peace seems to be nothing more than an elusive fantasy during present times. The grim evidence is all around us in the form of war, natural disasters, pandemics, global corruption, inequality, and so forth.

This uncertain climate makes it easy to sink into despair, cynicism, and hopelessness. But underneath the chaos, Peace, as an emissary of love, is always with us and within our grasp. True lasting peace is part of our birthright as children of the Divine. It dwells in our hearts and souls eternally and is always present, even through challenging and difficult times.

However, living in a human body on Earth creates a “great forgetting” of the truth that we are spiritual beings. This forgetting is designed so we can complete the agreed-upon lessons before coming into body. It is also important to remember that every one of us has chosen to be here now to assist humanity and the planet through the shift into the New Consciousness. Included in that choice is losing access to universal knowledge, which is an integral part of the life plan. In essence, we must experience everything human life offers without the…



Kathleen L. Johnson

Reiki Master, AAP, Empath, Past Lives Explorer, Crystal Healer. Offering Reiki Sessions, Angelic Activation, Spiritual Guidance. 💜